ITI Result 2021
ITI Result 2021 |
If you are a student of iti result 2021, you want to check NCVT results, then it is very easy to know how to check ITI results on the NCVT MIS portal.
There are two types of ITI results: semester-wise result and second annual result. As a result, you get used to your roll number. NCVT ITI results as a result of ITI are published semester-wise. Select the semester you want to see the result for and fill the roll number and select the semester.
Download NCVT ITI Result 2021 Mark Sheet
Then press and hold the verification button from the menu bar
1. Step: From the dropdown menu, click on Marksheet Verification.
2. Step: Enter your Roll Number or Registration Number as Roll Number is called.
3. Step: Then choose your semester
4. Step: Select the semester you want to view the results of the first semester or all semester or second semester.
5. You can view ITI Result on NCVT MIS Portal by clicking on more search button
How to check ITI Results
Those candidates who want to check ITI results should visit the official website to check current ITI results.
How to check NCVT ITI Results?
To Check NCVT ITI results Visit this webpage for complete details about checking NCVT ITI Results.
How can I download ITI Marksheet
Click on Result.
Enter ITI Registration Number. or roll no.
Select Semester/Annual
Click on Search Result and Download ITI Marksheet.